On sunny day, when you are getting ready for office, and navigating through the wardrobe, always wondering what should you wear today? every body’s daily riddle, and no wonder, any one whether coming from richest or middle class or lower middle class, one faces the same problem, what should I wear today?
Well a Pair of Jeans can replace 4 other options available in your wardrobe , don’t believe me? Ask some famous people, For Instance Steve Jobs (its on extreme, but still it counts) always wore Bleached Blue Jeans and Black T-Shirt for almost like 15 years and followed it till his last day on this planet, Mark Zuckerberg, always found wearing Pair of Slim – Comfort Fit Jeans with Grey Tee almost every day and some time he is seen wearing Tuxedo, people says, he wears same clothes every day, Michael Kors, or any famous person, they have their wardrobe filled with jeans and they prefer it. and many of them prefer custom made jeans
Now it comes to question why jeans, because its universal, it is like religion, be it anywhere in world you will find at-least 40% on average in any group of people wearing jeans
Because it looks Cool, It looks professional, and it have lots of varieties, even being made from simplest indigo fabric it can have multiple effects, look, shade and customised effects.
It can be wore in various fits, skinny, bootleg, comfort fit, wide leg, relaxed fit, or slim fit.
Jeans goes never out of fashion, millionaire, middle class, labour class and even the poorest of poor are found wearing jeans. its every body’s favourite, more you wear more you get out of it, and hence it can replace 70% of your wardrobe easily, I wore jeans 5 days out of week, and I wore them often, I do not wash my jeans often, so that it evolves in some great pattern on my jeans, it gets better over the time, unlike other, even if gets torn, it adds value, more the dirty and robust, and have wear and tear, more the value it adds, and vintage it becomes. I do not have to worry about getting it damaged, because that also looks cooler then normal jeans,
and yes it come with history, since 18th century denim is dominating , first it was called rebel’s clothing, then it became culture, it got more coverage in world war 2 when American soldiers wore them during their free time in camps, and then it started their reach over almost every country in world. wearing jeans is comfortable and fashionable, it can be wore on heavy duty work load, or office desk job, so 3 to 4 pair of jeans in wardrobe is enough for replacing 70% of your wardrobe easily.